Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"Grand" Launch

Actually i've started this blog for quite sometime, but i didn't want to post anything due to my bad grammar and ... maybe no topic for me to post

So now...i'm proudly announce that, this is my blog ,lol...
I plan to use this blog for semi commercial and semi lifestyle blog.
For those who are interested in getting new PC, you can always look for me.

Anyway, another vacancy is available, 2 promoters needed for this weekend(friday, saturday, and sunday). You'll be promoting P1 Wimax. For more info, you can look for me on my msn.

I guess i'll end my 1st post here. Stay tune for more IT info and other related stuff


Jon said...

yo kam seng....its been awhile.....doing good?

Alex said...

ok la...still barely survive :D

Triston said...

wao...start advertise wor haha..

Alex said...

no advertisement no income ah T.T

Eric Flizzow said...

Hey...R u doin in pc company???

Cherie said...

Haha.. not bad ar.. can start small thingy here... All the best :-)

Alex said...

hope got ppl will read la T.T

Anonymous said...

got ppl read geh dun worry ^^

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot